Comprehensive Guide to Notebook Printing Paper Options

When selecting paper for notebook printing, choosing the right type can make a significant difference in the final product’s quality and usability. Here’s a detailed look into the various paper options available for notebook printing, including their characteristics and best use cases.

1. Commonly Used Paper Types

Offset Paper (Wood-Free Paper)

  • Characteristics: Smooth writing surface.
  • Grammage Options: 80gsm, 100gsm, 120gsm (thicker options like 140gsm can be used for paper cards).
  • Color Options:
    • Ivory: Popular for its eye protection benefits, especially for children and students.
    • Cream: Slightly yellower than ivory, offering a warmer tone.
    • White: Similar to standard office A4 paper, available based on preference.

Other Options:

  • Acid-Free Paper: Long-lasting and durable, suitable for archival purposes.
  • Stone Paper: Eco-friendly and water-resistant, ideal for specific niche markets.

2. Specialized Paper for Different Applications

Textbook, Coloring Book, Novel, Children’s Book, Letter Paper

  • Coloring Book Paper: Typically uses 120gsm or 140gsm for better ink resistance and durability during drawing.

Art Paper (Coated Paper / Matte Coated Paper)

  • Characteristics: Displays vibrant colors with offset printing, ideal for detailed color patterns.
  • Common Uses: Children’s books, company catalogs, magazines, and planner tabs.
  • Grammage Options: 128gsm, 157gsm, 200gsm, 250gsm, 300gsm, 350gsm.

3. Specialty Papers

C1S Paper (One-Side Coated Paper)

  • Characteristics: Coated on one side, uncoated on the other, providing a good balance for single-side color printing with enhanced effects.
  • Common Uses: Cards, book covers, folders.
  • Grammage Options: 200gsm, 250gsm, 300gsm, 350gsm.

Fancy Card Paper

  • Applications: Business cards, folders, and other high-quality print items.

4. Paper Thickness and Weight Correspondence

Understanding the relationship between paper weight (gsm) and thickness (mm) is crucial for selecting the right paper. Here’s a quick reference table:

Paper Gram and Thickness Corresponding Table
Offset Paper Art Paper
/ Coated Paper / C2S
Matte Art Paper
/ Uncoated Paper
Gram Weight
/ gsm
/ mm
Gram Weight
/ gsm
/ mm
Gram Weight
/ gsm
/ mm
80 0.095 80 0.06 105 0.09-0.1
100 0.11 105 0.08 128 0.12-0.13
120 0.14 128 0.1 157 0.16
150 0.17 157 0.12 200 0.19-0.2
180 0.2 200 0.17 250 0.25
200 0.23 210 0.21 300 0.31
250 0.29 230 0.25
300 0.33 250 0.265
350 0.4 300 0.35
400 0.47 350 0.41
400 0.465
White Board Paper
/ C1S Paper
Duplex Board / CCNB
Gram Weight
/ gsm
/ mm
Gram Weight
/ gsm
/ mm
210 0.27 250 0.32
230 0.3-0.31 300 0.37
250 0.33 350 0.44-0.45
300 0.4-0.41 400 0.49
350 0.47-0.48
400 0.55


Paper PT and Gram Weight Corresponding Table
C2S Paper C1S Paper
PT Standard Gram Weight / gsm Used Gram Weight / gsm PT Standard Gram Weight / gsm Used Gram Weight / gsm
7PT 182 7PT 161
8PT 195 8PT 174 190
9PT 225 230 9PT 199 210
10PT 234 230 10PT 225 230
12PT 270 300 12PT 236 250
14PT 306 300 14PT 265 300
16PT 340 350 15PT 280 300
18PT 358 350 16PT 296 300
20PT 420 400 18PT 324 350
24PT 230gsm C1S Mounted 20PT 345 350
30PT 300gsm C1S Mounted 22PT 379 400
24PT 407 400
26PT 435 450

Offset Paper:

Gram Weight (gsm) Thickness (mm)
80 0.095
100 0.11
120 0.14
150 0.17
180 0.2
200 0.23
250 0.29
300 0.33
350 0.4
400 0.47

Art Paper (Coated Paper / C2S):

Gram Weight (gsm) Thickness (mm)
80 0.06
105 0.08
128 0.1
157 0.12
200 0.17
210 0.21
230 0.25
250 0.265
300 0.35
350 0.41

Matte Art Paper (Uncoated Paper):

Gram Weight (gsm) Thickness (mm)
105 0.09-0.1
128 0.12-0.13
157 0.16
200 0.19-0.2
250 0.25
300 0.31

5. C1S Paper and Duplex Board Options

White Board Paper / C1S Paper:

Gram Weight (gsm) Thickness (mm)
210 0.27
230 0.3-0.31
250 0.33
300 0.4-0.41
350 0.47-0.48
400 0.55

Duplex Board / CCNB:

Gram Weight (gsm) Thickness (mm)
250 0.32
300 0.37
350 0.44-0.45
400 0.49

6. Paper PT and Gram Weight Correspondence

C2S Paper:

PT Standard Gram Weight (gsm) Used Gram Weight (gsm)
7PT 182 200
8PT 195 200
9PT 225 250
10PT 234 250
12PT 270 300
14PT 306 300
16PT 340 350
18PT 358 350
20PT 420 400
24PT 230gsm C1S Mounted
30PT 300gsm C1S Mounted

C1S Paper:

PT Standard Gram Weight (gsm) Used Gram Weight (gsm)
7PT 161
8PT 174 190
9PT 199 210
10PT 225 230
12PT 236 250
14PT 265 300
15PT 280 300
16PT 296 300
18PT 324 350
20PT 345 350
22PT 379 400
24PT 407 400
26PT 435 450

By understanding these paper options and their specific uses, you can ensure that your custom notebooks meet the desired quality and functionality for your customers. This detailed knowledge allows you to make informed decisions, leading to better satisfaction and enhanced product appeal.

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